【文章导读】Twenty-four percent has cited the credibility deficit of the government as a main reason behind the lack of trust in Chinese society, according to a survey conducted by People's Tribune, a magazine of People's Daily.
人民日报旗下的人民论坛开展的一项调查显示,24%的人将政府的“信誉赤字”列为中国社会缺乏信任的主要原因之一。调查发现,超80%的应答者认为中国社会sub-healthy(亚健康),还有40%的人认为中国社会正经历crisis of credibility (信任危机)。
Loss of faith(信仰缺失) 居中国社会心态“十大病症”之首。50%的网友认为unethical behaviors have gone unpunished (不道德行为没受到惩罚) 是其背后原因,还有20%的人将其归咎于"mercenary" market economy ( “唯利是图”的市场经济)。
1. Lack of faith 信仰缺失
2. "Bystander attitude" or being indifferent 冷漠的看客心态
3. Anxiety over work, life and future 社会焦虑症(因工作、生活、养老及未来无法预期等而长期紧张与不安)
4. Habitual distrust 习惯性怀疑
5. Ostentatiousness 炫富心态
6. Reveling in scandals 审丑心理(假恶丑盛行、越骂越红)
7. Hedonism 娱乐至死(崇尚个人享乐主义)
8. Extreme, violent and anti-social behaviors 暴戾狂躁症(残暴易怒、好走极端甚至危害社会)
9. Addiction to the Internet 网络依赖症
10. Masochism, complaints about the Party and state system 自虐心态(对党和体制抱怨不休)
(via exam8.com)
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