2. Be open to ideas
Have a general idea of what you'd like, for example, a jacket or a coat, but be open-minded about the brand or style. The great thing about sales shopping is you might discover brands that you previously didn't know about.
明白自个儿要买啥子,譬如茄克还是外套,但对牌子和格式不要一般计较。众多网站都会给出尺码相比较表,所以你不会由于价钱便宜而买那一些号太大或太小的衣裳。提早计划是懂事理的作法,做好预算和想好要买的物品,免得买了又懊悔。与其这么还不如多花点钱买自个儿喜欢的物品。 1. Plan ahead
There's always the risk of buying something you don't really love just because it's a bargain. It's much better to buy something you love and spend that bit more. It's a good idea to plan ahead - decide what your budget is beforehand to avoid post-sales-shopping guilt, and also think about which pieces you might want. Are they something you can wear now and next season? Key trends stick around, so a sale is a good way to snap them up. Right now, look out for coloured leather, think sharp jackets with cigarette pants.
6. Time for an upgrade
Buying from the sales is an opportunity to upgrade your wardrobe, if you think it's time you invested in better fabrics. For instance, beautiful cashmere is timeless and great to buy when you can.
4. Buy classic and statement
If you're looking at designer labels, definitely go for items that are the signature pieces for that brand. So, anything leather from Helmut Lang, red from Valentino. But, as well as the classics, sales are also a good opportunity to buy something like a really amazing evening gown that you couldn't quite justify at full price.
3. Get in there quickly
Bags, jewellery and small leather goods are the first things to go in a sale as they are sizeless, and due to the nature of sales shopping, sizes are always limited. If you see a bag or shoes you love and they are on sale, go for it.
5. If the dress fits…
If you're shopping online, shop by size. A lot of websites have size filters so you aren't tempted to buy something that's way too big or too small simply because it's a good deal. Having said that, if you completely fall in love with a piece of clothing that's the wrong size, you could always look into getting it tailored.
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