Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene,
Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,
Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well
Wherewith the seasonable month endows
Fled is that music:--Do I wake or sleep?
And purple-stained mouth
Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain--
Now more than ever seems it rich to die,
O, for a draught of vintage! that hath been
Singest of summer in full-throated ease。
White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine;
Where but to think is to be full of sorrow
Past the near meadows, over the still stream,
Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades
Forlorn! the very word is like a bell
Tasting of Flora and the country green,
But being too happy in thine happiness,--
Call&0#39;d him soft names in many amused rhyme,
I have been half in love with easeful Death,
With beaded bubbles winking at the brim,
The weariness, the fever, and the fret
The grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wild;
《夜莺颂》(约翰 济慈)
That I might drink, and leave the world unseen,
And leaden-eyed despairs,
简介:济慈(1795—1821)是19世纪英国著名浪漫主义诗人。生于伦敦一个马夫家庭。由于家境贫困,诗人不满16岁就离校学医,当学徒。1816年,他弃医从文,开始诗歌创作。1818年,他根据古希腊美丽神话写成的《安狄米恩》问世。此后诗人进入诗歌创作的鼎盛时期,先后完成了《伊莎贝拉》、《圣亚尼节前夜》、《许佩里恩》等著名长诗,还有最脍炙人口的《夜莺颂》、《希腊古瓮颂》、《秋赋》等诗歌。也是在1818年,诗人爱上了范妮 布恩小姐,同时诗人的身体状况也开始恶化。在痛苦、贫困和甜蜜交织的状况下,诗人写下了大量的著名诗篇。1821年,诗人前往意大利休养,不久病情加重,年仅25岁就离开了人世。
But on the viewless wings of Poesy,
And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne,
O for a beaker full of the warm South,
Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!
Charm&0#39;d magic casements, opening on the foam
While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad
Though the dull brain perplexes and retards
Away! away! for I will fly to thee,
One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk
Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow。
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
《夜莺颂》是1818年济慈23岁的作品。那年,诗人患上了肺痨,同时诗人还处于和范妮 布劳恩小姐的热恋中。正如诗人自己说的,他常常想的两件事就是爱情的甜蜜和自己死去的时间。在这样的情况下,诗人情绪激昂,心中充满着悲愤和对生命的渴望。在一个深沉的夜晚,在浓密的树枝下,在鸟儿嘹亮的歌声中,诗人一口气写下了这首8节80多行的《夜莺颂》。
Ode To A Nightingale (John Keats)
In the next valley-glades:
Already with thee! tender is the night,
Up the hill-side; and now &0#39;tis buried deep
In ancient days by emperor and clown:
She stood in tears amid the alien corn;
The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine,
Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown
Here, where men sit and hear each other groan;
Fast fading violets cover&0#39;d up in leaves;
The voice I hear this passing night was heard
My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
To thy high requiem become a sod。
What thou among the leaves hast never known,
To take into the air my quiet breath;
Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes,
Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards,
To toll me back from thee to my sole self!
Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,
The same that oft-times hath
Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies;
Cool&0#39;d a long age in the deep-delved earth,
Darkling I listen; and, for many a time
Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs,
Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget
In some melodious plot
No hungry generations tread thee down;
I cannot see what flowers are at my feet,
Perhaps the self-same song that found a path
Dance, and Provencal song, and sunburnt mirth!
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn。
But here there is no light,
But, in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet
To cease upon the midnight with no pain,
Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways。
And with thee fade away into the forest dim
Was it a vision, or a waking dream?
In such an ecstasy!
Cluster&0#39;d around by all her starry Fays;
Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last gray hairs,
And mid-May&0#39;s eldest child,
&0#39;Tis not through envy of thy happy lot,
That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees
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